Sunday, May 31, 2015

Day 4- The Woods are Alive

The Path Narrows

Further into the trees now,
The path is wide enough only for me.
I am not alone, though, 
The buzzing bees and babbling brook keep me company.

Journal Entry 4

Today we went to the Aulwood Audubon, a nature preserve that is also home to a working farm. After a quick introduction, we took a hike through the woods, with our guide taking time to explain about the beautiful native flora and fauna, as well as the dangers of some of the invasive species we saw. After our hike, we stopped at the farm. All of the animals were so cool! I got to pet piglets and horses and sheep and, my favorite, goats. One actually bit me, but it was totally worth it. When we returned, we were tasked with writing a contemplation or a meditation script inspired by our experience. 


I am walking under the forest canopy. For the first time in years, I am not tired. The honeysuckle-scented air carries the sweet sounds of birdsong, and each breath seems to energize me more, to motivate me to keep moving. On both sides of me, the saplings have sprouted to my waist, while the grandfather trees reach their twisted green branches to the endless summer sky. There is life within me, and there is life all around me. Underneath my running shoes, there is grass and dirt and millions of tiny creatures, oxygenating the soil for the plants.

My fingertips graze the Dame’s Rocket; it is an invasive species, but the delicate purple flowers are beautiful nonetheless. The rest of the forest is a monochrome of greens and browns; brown dirt, rotting fallen branches with bright green moss, strong brown tree trunks, green ivy creeping up the trunks, green leaves reaching to the sky. Up in the canopy, the birds dwell. Swallows, blue jays, and a woodpecker chatter, rapid-fire and unintelligible. Even above the birds, the sun shines bright, but only small white slivers make it past the broad leaves to illuminate the path.

I bring myself back to the path in front of me, anticipating even greater moments of beauty along the trail. What will I see? What creatures will I encounter? The only way I can know is to move on, so I do.

Day 3- Deeper into the Trees

Nature's Song

As I follow the trail further into the woods,
Bird song turns into an orchestra of creatures;
Crickets chirp, frogs croak, insects buzz, 
But the birds still try to steal the show.
It is in the wood that they perform,
For no one but themselves.

Journal Entry 3

Today we went to Cox Arboretum. Two hours were available to just roam, but we did have a task: take pictures of five trees and at least one creature. The weather was lovely again, making for some great pictures!

Bur Oak



Honey Locust

Scots Pine

We got to roam the arboretum on our own, so I decided to walk one of the trails. It was a nice, quiet walk. After that. I went to the edible garden and sampled some of the plants. I didn't know so many things are edible! I also found dill, one of my favorites. The best part of the day, though, was doing yoga outdoors. It was so relaxing; I got a sunburn, though. Overall, the day was fun, but really tiring!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 2- The First Trek

A New Beginning

Today was my first stroll in the wild wood,
The soft breeze refreshed my tired lungs;
The cheery birdsong refreshed my tired heart.

Journal Entry 2

We started the day by reading a piece by Tom Brown Jr., who is, perhaps,one of the renowned nature writers. We then went on a two mile trek through town to Delco Park, where YA author Rob Boley led us through a few writing games, the products of which you can see below. After 'warming up' our creativity, we were tasked with getting up close and personal with nature.Starting with a small area, we were to gradually get closer and closer to the ground, creating our own 'small world'. I found a nice, shady patch of clover that looked nice and began writing. After writing for a bit, I went for a stroll around the pond to enjoy the lovely weather. I managed to get up close and personal with some adorable goslings! 

Later, we did some yoga; I enjoyed it a lot. Some poses I was familiar with, but others were completely new. I learned a back stretch that seriously was amazing. We're going to do it outdoors soon!

Writing Games: Haikus


Ancient trees stand tall.
Flimsy flower stems bend.
Beauty is pure here


Some are not honest;
Could not tell who is lying.
Not being honest hurts.

Small World 

The patch of grass breaks into a patch of fluffy clover and it's distinctive white flowers. Part of the patch is shaded by a nearby tree, who's species I don't know.

 I kneel down to look closer. The grass is neat, but from this point of view it seems overgrown. I spot a dandelion fluff clinging to a blade of grass, fighting the breeze. The flowers bob back and forth in the breeze, but the clover sits close to the ground, unmoving. 

I lay down, belly against the earth. An ant creeps up a blade of grass near my arm. I can see tiny blue flowers mingling with the clover; the clover's rough edges are now apparent. A fly lights on a thick blade of grass, rubbing his legs together greedily, staring blankly with red eyes. I start to see more and more ants rushing through the grass; I discover a small, crumbling ant hill, russet-colored workers busting in and out. They are like too many of us, I think. Too busy to slow down and enjoy a minute of peace, too busy to notice the little blue flowers that life gives us. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 1- The Beginning of the Journey

To the Woods

To the woods I go, 
The journey begins today.
Though the destination is known, 
The path I cannot see.
I do not go alone,
But it feels as if it is 
Just the woods and me.

Journal Entry 1

Today, we spent some time getting to know each other better and to get a better feel for the course. We went over the syllabus and the scheduled activities (I'm so excited to canoe and kayak!). A guest speaker came in to better acquaint us with nature writing, the genre we will be doing for most of this course. I'm very excited to get out and write. Maybe this'll be the inspiration I need to write that novel...